Learn About Kamikochi

Rules & Safety Guide

Before looking at the actual rules, let’s consider the wisdom of this Japanese proverb.

“On departing, a bird leaves no trace.”

In other words, as responsible visitors to national parks, we should do our best to leave the parks just as we found them. The more modern proverb, “Take only pictures. Leave only footprints.” also has the same meaning.

For perspective, let’s look at the situation in the early 70s. Forty years ago, the road leading into the park would have been a long line of Toyotas, Toyopets, and other cars with city dwellers who wanted to go to the fabled resort to escape from busy urban lives. In doing so, however, they brought a bit of urban bustle with them, disturbing the natural balance. Eventually, it was decided that Kamikochi would be better off with no cars and thus it became a car-free zone. The only automobiles you will see in Kamikochi these days are buses, taxis, and a small number of specially approved cars.

As for the other rules go, there are only a few and they are easily understandable and simple to follow:

How to Enjoy Kamikochi Responsibly (i.e. The Rules)


  • No Collecting
    Please do not collect plants or living creatures, including insects.
  • No Feeding
    Please do not feed the wild animals.
  • No Littering
    Please take all your litter with you.
  • No Foreign Species
    Please do not bring any pets or other non-native species.
  • No Venturing Out
    Please stay on the path.


  • No Bicycle Riding
    Please do not ride bicycles on the trails.
  • No Drone Flying
    Please do not use unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) inside the National Park.
  • Please take all your trash with you, including leftover food and cigarette butts.
  • Please do not feed the wild animals, not even monkeys and ducks.
  • Kamikochi is protected by law: it is illegal to collect plants or wildlife.
  • Stay on the trail; do not trample through marshes or other fragile environments
  • No camping except in designated areas.
  • No fires except in designated areas.
  • Water is scarce above the timber line; please conserve it and protect water sources.
  • Please do not throw stones or rocks into the water.

Rules in Kamikochi During Winter

Due to the fickle winter weather conditions in Kamikochi, there is a risk of avalanches, falling rocks, and snowdrift forming. When you go into Kamikochi, please keep in mind that winter mountain climbing is done at your own risk. For your safety and environmental conservation, please stick to the following rules.
  • Submit a ‘mountain climbing registration form’ at Nakanoyu Gate. A box for submitting the form is set up at the gate.
  • Beware of avalanches, falling rocks, and snowdrift forming. Exercise particular caution regarding avalanches on the prefectural route between Kamikochi Tunnel and Taisho Pond.
  • Use the wintertime toilets at Nakanoyu Gate, Taisho Pond, Nakanose, the bus terminal, and Konashidaira.Please confirm locations before entering. * The Nakanoyu Gate toilet is available from mid-December. Contact: Matsumoto City Mountain Tourism Division TEL: 0263-94-2307
  • Keep on the path and do not step into the marsh.Doing so may impact the vegetation in the area. Please do not stray from roads or trails.
  • Set up tents at Konashidaira Campsite.Please do not enter the premises of hotels, ryokans, or the Visitor Center’s overhang.
  • Take all your garbage and food with you.Your actions could have an impact on the wildlife in the area. Please take your garbage with you when you leave Kamikochi.
  • The forest course (Nature Trail) is closed.Due to the age and condition of the wooden path, we ask that you please refrain from entering the trail.
Contact number (Chubu Sangaku National Park Office) TEL: 0263-94-2024
winter map

Who Made these Rules and Why Should We Follow Them?

These rules were created by ecologically minded officials concerned with the well-being of parks in Japan. The rules are also common sense held by experienced hikers and nature lovers around the world. But, because Kamikochi has such broad appeal, it is also a popular destination for more casual visitors, who may not be aware of suitable conduct in national parks. Whether you are a long-time nature lover or a newcomer to a protected national park, we urge you to be responsible.

About “Ambassadors” and Responsibility

Kamikochi owes much of its popularity to two distinguished gentlemen of the Victorian Age: William Gowland and Walter Weston. Gowland was responsible for grouping three key mountain ranges (known in Japanese as the Akaishi, Kiso, and Hida) into the foreign-friendly nickname of “The Japanese Alps.” However, Reverend Walter Weston is one of the heroes of this site. A seasoned traveler and alpinist, his writings were key to the emergence of hiking and climbing as recreational pursuits in Japan. Before that, wandering in the mountains had been an activity reserved for Buddhist monks seeking enlightenment rather than invigorating contact with nature. In brief, Weston was the very model of an alpine ambassador, as he explored the Japan Alps and shared his enthusiasm with the whole world, responsibly and respectfully. A plaque of his image adorns the Weston Relief in the heart of Kamikochi and his legacy is honored annually at the Weston Memorial Festival.

As ambassadors to Kamikochi, we wish to emulate Weston’s example, sharing our enthusiasm with visitors from all over the world while encouraging others to do the same in order to continue the legacy into new generations. In doing so, we invite all visitors to become ambassadors in their own right. Kamikochi is here for all of us to enjoy, so we might as well return the favor.

And what does it mean to form a meaningful connection with nature? Whether you travel to Nagano Prefecture, South Africa, Peru, or Iceland, it is important to be moved by the natural environment and return home slightly different, transformed by a unique and unforgettable place. There are many things to enjoy in Japan, from the hyper-modern manic blur of Tokyo, to the serene temples of Kyoto, and the old world charm of Kanazawa and Shirakawago. Kamikochi is a place unlike any other. Once you have escaped the crowds of Kappa Bridge, the Northern Alps are yours to experience. From the unearthly calm of Taisho Pond, to the peaceful charm of Tokusawa Marsh, to the scenic walks of Tokugo Pass, all watched over by the majestic Hotaka peaks. Get out there!