Before looking at the actual rules, let’s consider the wisdom of this Japanese proverb.
“On departing, a bird leaves no trace.”
In other words, as responsible visitors to national parks, we should do our best to leave the parks just as we found them. The more modern proverb, “Take only pictures. Leave only footprints.” also has the same meaning.
For perspective, let’s look at the situation in the early 70s. Forty years ago, the road leading into the park would have been a long line of Toyotas, Toyopets, and other cars with city dwellers who wanted to go to the fabled resort to escape from busy urban lives. In doing so, however, they brought a bit of urban bustle with them, disturbing the natural balance. Eventually, it was decided that Kamikochi would be better off with no cars and thus it became a car-free zone. The only automobiles you will see in Kamikochi these days are buses, taxis, and a small number of specially approved cars.
As for the other rules go, there are only a few and they are easily understandable and simple to follow: